NOISE CONTROL : If you have any queries over the weekend regards to noise you may call : 07789228802 between the hours of Saturday 10th August 8am - 10PM And Sunday 11th August 8am -10pm
All enquiries will be logged with your name, address and telephone number.
Security will be doing regular spot checks on our gates.
All tickets purchased for New Forest Fairy Festival are Non refundable.
The nearest carpark is located In North Park Follow Sat Nav to BH24 4AA. This is charged separately to the festival at £4 per car. We advise our customers to use this designated Car Park, We strongly advise not to park on verges.
Blue Badge Holders coming to the festival will have their own designated car park which enables users a shorter distance to the festival. Please make sure your badges are shown upon arrival. The festival is set on a beautiful field and is pretty flat however please ask one of our festival staff for assistance if you need it.
Children from the ages of 0 -16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal Guardian at all times at the Festival. Children will be given a wristband upon entering the festival and we encourage all Parents and Legal guardians to add a telephone number to the band.
Crowds can be daunting for children, if for what ever reason your child becomes lost, have them ask for Security, A festival steward with a radio or accustom them to our Welfare tent which is situated next to the entrance of the Festival.
It is very useful that your child has a parents mobile number on them so we can contact you but not a name.
If you lose a child please go straight to our welfare tent or ask one of our Festival stewards.
Please be responsible for your own children.
The Welfare centre provides experienced and caring help for all practical and personal problems, as well as dealing with lost and found property. The Welfare centre also looks after lost children at the Festival.
If for what ever reason you loose items of personal belonging at the festival, All items will be held in the Welfare Centre. You will need to identify items and have some form of ID on you.
After the event please email info@newforestfairyfestival.com with the following information
Description of item:
Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Long sunny days can increase your need. Safe drinking water is available from the standing pipe in the top right hand corner of the festival. Bottled water will be available at many stalls. If in doubt please bring your own from home.
There is a licenced bar on site at the festival which can be used by our visitors, No alcohol will be allowed to be brought on to site. Security checks will be made at the gate. If you are found to bring alcohol on to site it will be confiscated.
The Festival operates a challenge 25 policy for alcohol sales. You will not be served alcohol unless ID is provided.
The following are acceptable forms of ID
- Valid Passport
- UK Driving Licence
There are a selection of Food traders and drink Outlets at the Fairy Festival which supports most dietary needs, This is just an offering and at times can become busy like most festivals. Pack lunches from home are welcomed at the festival providing drinks are in plastic bottles. We ask if this is an option for you, to take your rubbish home with you as we are a green festival and like to do our bit for recycling.
The New Forest Fairy Festival works hard to keep our event a greener festival! Recycling bins are onsite so please make sure you put your rubbish in the relevant section of our bins. We ask where possible to take all your rubbish home with you that is brought onto site.
We do have toilets on site which are cleaned regularly, We also have traders toilets please refrain from using these toilets as they are for Traders only. Please use the toilets provided but ensure you leave them as clean as possible and make sure you pump toilets through once used. Under no circumstances should people urinate anywhere but the toilets.
The Festival is a safe place to be, We have security onsite at all times and will be patrolling the Festival Site. They are there for your safety. Give them a wave and say hi!
Although we do allow dogs on leads at the festival, we do strongly recommend in hot weather not to bring your dogs. This is for their well being. Please make sure you keep your beloved friends hydrated.
Whats Included in the Ticket Price?
Included in your ticket is entry to the Festival all the activity workshops, healing area, circus workshops, fancy dress and parade, interactive walk rounds,Puppet theatre, acoustic lounge, main stage and all demonstrations.
What time does the Festival open?
The Festival gates open at 10am both days and closes at 6pmIs there camping onsite?
There is no camping onsite for visitors, however there are some beautiful campsites around the New Forest.
What is your recycling policy?
We do ask our visitors to take home as much recycling as possible to reduce our footprint. However there will be designated bins around the Festival.
Are Dogs, Cats and rabbits allowed?
We welcome all furry friends but they must be kept on leads at all times.
Is There food onsite?
Yes there are a variety of offerings onsite to suit most dietary needs.
Is there security on site?
The Security team are onsite at all times and will be patrolling the festival over the weekend.
Can we dress up?
Yes! Lots of our visitors love to get into the spirit of things and we have had some amazing costumes over the years! Fairies, Elves, Pixies and Fantasy creatures have all been present over the last few years!
Is there a Car Park?
The nearest public car park is adjacent to the Festival and is charged at £3.00 per car. Other car parks are available with in the village and surrounding areas.
Is there toilets on site?
Yes there are toilets on site and are in and around the festival.
Is the festival accessible to disabled users?
Access to disabled users is good we have a separate car park for disabled users making it easy to access the festival and there is lots of space in and around the festival. The festival is on a field so there may be some areas that are not flat.
Wheres the Nearest Train station?
The nearest train station to the Festival is Brockenhurst. You would need to get a taxi or bus at this point to get into the village of Burley.